Sound Required (WARNING: It gets loud)
Animation created for Elevated Bars, a TV program for up and coming rappers to showcase their skills by coming on the show to rap and promote their music. Animation is intended to be  shown before the start of the show and/or as an ad for the show. 
Created using Adobe Illustrator and Cinema 4D for ARTGR 463 3D Motion Graphics Fall 2021 at Iowa State University.
Sound Required
Animation created for Music Medicine, a TV channel that would host the show Elevated Bars. The channel would consist of different shows about different genres of music. Animation is intended to be shown as an ad for the channel. 
Created using Adobe Illustrator and Cinema 4D forARTGR 463 3D Motion Graphics Fall 2021 at Iowa State University.
Sound Required
Animation created to showcase information about Enceladus, a moon of Saturn. Narrated by me, this animation is intended to be used in an educational setting to inform people about Earth-like Enceladus and why it is one of the leading hopes for other life in our solar system. Created in Cinema 4D.
Sound Required
Animation created to showcase, at a basic level, how a rocket works. Narrated by me, this animation is intended to be used in an educational setting, most likely for kids. It aims to quickly teach people about the different parts of a rocket, how it takes off, and what happens after it leaves Earth. Created in Cinema 4D.
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